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value of a printed guide lies in the fact that you can read it in on the biffy,
or in bed,
or have it open beside the computer you're playing the game on."
(Bart Farkes, Author of the Official Diablo 2 Expansion Strategy Guide)
NEWSFLASH: (November, 9th 2003)
As you can clearly see, I did not start with the Updates end of June...sorry for that, but as a nice surprise Blizzard finaly managed to release 1.10.So, for the last few days I've been pushing hard to get the updates started. So I decided to post a pre-release version for proof reading. (IMPORTANT: this Version contains the updated parts ONLY!!!)
See Download Section below if you want to check it out (and possibly send me some feedback).
NEWSFLASH: (June, 27th 2003)
I started updating the Collection and will put up new (updated) Parts for download when done.
Proof reading and comments are welcome (and needed).New site layout uploaded, not yet sure if I like it...
NEWSFLASH: (June, 19th 2003)
Sooooooo, her I am again. Reinfected with the Diablo Virus (damn, damn, damn *g*) after being "sober" for almost a year.
What's to say? Just been lurking the Lurkerlounge for some time now and somehow got sucked back into the Subject.As I spend about an houre per day browsing Diablo Sites for information, side notes on semi off-topic stuff or just a good read I told myself: "Well, why not get ready to update the Data to 1.10 (when it comes out) and rethink some Stuff, find more interesting bits to add to the Collection.
Even though there is no Release date confirmed for 1.10 I think it is time to start with the work and ask around for things YOU would like to be included in the next Version (which will be the first final Version, no more Beta Crap...he he). So if there is anything you always missed in the Collection, just drop me a note.
Thats it for today
Beta Version is still based on Patch 1.08
(but Item Section, Runes and Gems were adjusted to 1.09 by Dzidas!!!)
Version (1.08/1.09) .doc Download (please do NOT link to the File directly but to this Page only) |
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Version (1.08/1.09) .pdf Download (please do NOT link to the File directly but to this Page only) |
Reading Version (based on 1.10) ~90
Pages, done so far: |
Notes / Links
This Collection is by no means containing all in-depth Information,
but I believe almost all data that you want to have handy while
playing the game is included.
For further information I recommend checking:The Arreat Summit
(Blizzard's official Lord of Destruction Strategy and Statistics Page)
The Lurker Lounge
(Home to most of the Discoveries featured in my Guide)A Great overview of the Historyline around Diablo 1 and 2 done by Nick and Matt over at BlizzardUniverse.net.
For more Calculations, presented understandably, check out Tommy's Site.
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© 2002 David Schenkelberg
(since July 11th 2001).
(I moved the counter down here, as it is realy useless
for anyone but me [to keep a little track of how much traffic is on this
site, my WSP's Statistics Report is just too inconvenient])